Trademark objection means once the application for registration of trademark is filed, it would be went to trademark registry department for the examination of application to verify the uniqueness and distinctiveness of your own creation. And they scrutinize it in order to determine the accuracy, quality or condition under the provisions of Trademarks Act & Rules. The examiner will examine the application thoroughly by going through each and every Section of Trademarks Act 1999 and Trade Mark Rules, 2002. After verifying the application, if the examiner is not satisfied, he will be object your application for one or more issues.
And for that, you should have to file the legal reply to trademark objection which mentioned in raised examination report, on this ground the applicant or attorney has to submit the proper and supportive evidence to the Trade Mark office within the prescribed time (one month). If the reply is not filed in time, your rights to use trademark shall be revoked.
To help on trademark objection, we've explained it briefly in this article.
At the time when your trademark registration process is being examined by an Examiner there is always a chance that it could be objected to by the official in question. Having an objected status means there could be one or more areas with which the Examiner or Registrar has an issue within the trademark application in question. Normally, the objections are raised under Section 11 and Section of the Trade Marks Act, 1999. Objections in Section 9 are made if the Examiner or Registrar feels that the trademark describes the goods or the genre or if it is lauds the goods or indicates their quality.
The objections under Section 11 are made in case the Registrar or Examiner feels the trademark is similar or identical to another trademark in the Trade Mark Registry. These trademarks are normally ones that belong to other similar goods and services. In these cases, normally a Search List is generated by the Examiner or Registrar through a computer. This list contains all the marks that conflict with the trademark in question.
What is trademark examination report?
A trademark examination report is a sign of the fact that the trademark office has objected to an applicant’s trademark on certain grounds. In most cases it happens because the trademark is similar or in conflict with marks already held by others. Along with this the Examiner also checks if the application has been filed in the correct form or not. In the report the Examiner or Registrar also decides if any condition or restriction is to be applied on the trademark. This is why it is in the interest of the applicant to make sure that the application meets all the requirements that are necessary with respect to registration.
Obviously, when the applicant has received a trademark examination report it means that there are some mistakes in the same. In such cases, apart from compiling the objections in the examination report the Examiner or Registrar also uploads them on the Trademark Registry.
How to file a response to an objected trademark?
Normally when a trademark application is objected to the law, states that a response should be filed within a month from when the applicant receives the Examination Report. When a trademark is objected, it is very important that the applicant puts forth proper arguments in a response that is really suitable. This needs to be done so that the objections can be overcome. After the applicant makes a written submission the Examiner or Registrar the trademark can either be accepted straightaway. Else, a hearing may be announced so that the applicant can in person put forward the necessary and relevant arguments in this regard.
In most cases, it has been seen that if proper arguments are put forth such objections can be overcome. It is very important that you know how to file trademark objection response in Bangalore. The applicant can file it itself or get an attorney to do the work on its behalf as well.
How to overcome the trademark objections?
There are some tips that can help people who are facing issues with such objections and wish to overcome them. In case an applicant wishes to overcome objections under Section 9 it is important that the trademark is proved to be distinctive in an inherent way. One can also overcome objections in this regard by proving the trademark has been able to acquire a unique character because of its usage in an extensive manner. It is for this reason that the applicant has to submit a user affidavit with proper proof. This submitted material should show that the trademark has now become distinctive.
In these cases, the applicant should also ask the owner of the conflicting or similar trademark to provide a letter of consent. In fact, it would be well within its right to make such a demand. The term similarity does not only indicate that the marks are similar. It could also indicate that there is a clash in the list of goods and services as far as the marks in question are concerned. So the most convenient way in which one can avoid being refused for registration is to do away with the conflicting services and goods from one’s application.
In case the trademark has been rejected for wrong classification of trademark class the applicant would need to file a request in order to make sure that relevant corrections are made. If the applicant feels that the report is a wrong one then objections to the position taken by the examiner can be made as well.
If the applicant does not know or does not have experience in this particular regard it is always better to look for help from professionals in this regard. Thankfully, these days there are plenty of companies in Bangalore that are providing such services at really reasonable costs and thus making it really worth the while for them.
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